Beberapa fitur yang ditawarkan adalah: Backup, Restore, Schedule, Setting, dan History.Jika ingin membackup secara manual gunakan tombol Backup.Pilih sumber yang akan di backup antara lain: Disk, Partition and MBR, File and Directories, Entire Registry, Custom registry, User Setting,

* Easily backup files anywhere on your PC
* Quickly recover your data in case of data loss
* Schedule backups to run when you want
* Secure your backup data with strong encryption
System Requirements:
Supported Operating Systems:
* Windows 7.0 - 32 bit and 64 bit
* Windows Vista - 32 bit and 64 bit
* Windows XP – SP1 - 32 bit and 64 bit
* Windows 2003 Server 32 bit and 64 bit
* Windows 2008 Server 32 bit and 64 bit Required Hardware:
* Intel Pentium II 233 MHz or equivalent processor
* 128 MB RAM
* 12 MB free hard drive space
Website: http://www.comodo.com/
Download site: http://download.comodo.com/cbu/download/setups/CB_2.2.127000.12_Setup_xp_vista_server2003_server2008_win7.exe
Download : Comodo Backup
Publisher Site!
We all know the problems lost data can create. For businesses and individuals alike, the consequences can be catastrophic, from the loss of critical business databases to the deletion of your family photo album.Given the potential penalties of data loss, making safe copies of your files ought to be a simple and painless task that, once configured, will regularly create a backup of all your confidential and valuable data.
That's why we created Comodo Backup:
a powerful backup tool you can virtually set and forget, that reliably copies your files to a safe place and keeps track of the changes made to those files. Comodo Backup is a free, simple to use program that allows you to create, schedule and run your own backups 5 minutes after you've downloaded it.
Website: http://www.comodo.com/
Download site: http://download.comodo.com/cbu/download/setups/CB_2.2.127000.12_Setup_xp_vista_server2003_server2008_win7.exe
Download : Comodo Backup
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makasih info y ....
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