Untuk mengatasi hal ini gunakan saja aplikasi yang khusus diciptakan untuk membersihkan USB Drive dari segala macam junk file, yakniUSBDriveFresher. Aplikasi ini juga mempunyai fitur yang dapat mem-filter file-file sampah apa saja yang ingin anda lenyapkan dari USB Drive anda, dengan cara masuk ke menu [Option] atau tekan tombol keyboard [Ctrl+o], lalu pilih [Add] , kemudian masukkan jenis ekstensi file yang ingin anda filter, lalu klik [Save]. Juga disediakan fitur memusnahkan file sampah secara otomatis tanpa pemberitahuan kepada anda yang disebut [Silent Auto Cleanup], dan untuk mengaktifkan USBDriveFresher biar bisa secara otomatis membersihkan Flash Disk setiap kali anda men-celokkan di port USB computer, fitur ini dinamakan [Automatically Cleanup].

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Keep your USB drive clean by removing unwanted files automatically and according to rules you specify. Refresh your drive with USBDriveFresher Your computer and others may automatically place files on your USB drive every time you use it. Now you can keep it clear and clean just as automatically – using rules you set up and approve. USBDriveFresher is so handy you'll wonder how you ever got along without it. And, yes, it’s absolutely FREE! Every time you use your USB drive in a different computer you might see some little files/folders on your drive like thumbs.db, or .Trashes folder, or .Spotlight-V100, or the ones with the underscore at the start of the name. Using USBDriveFresher you'll never see those files again. It is designed to be a "Set it and forget" tool.
Informasi :
Nama : USBDriveFresher [Last updated: July, 29th 2009 ]
Size : 7.4 MB
Website : http://affinity-tools.com/
Download : http://affinity-tools.com/usbfresher/usbfreshersetup.exe
Support : Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
Blogged with the Flock Browser
1 komentar:
Apa cara kerjanya sama dengan Disk Cleanup?
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